Happy Birthday you Ol’ Rogue

Happy Birthday to one of the most ridiculous and ridiculously talented writers of the 20th century, Hunter S. Thompson.

Fact: Hunter S. Thompson and I both have tickle trunks

Fact: His was filled with drugs, but mine with costumes (aka. the Mr. Dress Up variety)

Fact: You cannot read Hunter S. Thompson quietly for more than 5 minutes. His words are meant to be shared. My husband hates when I read him because I keep nudging him awake with the promise of: “Just one more – it’s so good. You have to hear this.” I guess that’s what Shortlist.com had in mind when they pulled together together this list of the 25 Greatest Pieces of Wisdom from Hunter S. Thompson

“It never got weird enough for me” either love. We miss you.



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